In der „Presentation Party“ am Freitag, zu der auch Eltern eingeladen waren, präsentierten die SchülerInnen dann ihre tollen Ergebnisse.
(Derntl Regina 3a und Hofinger Hilde 3b)

The Flop Talent Show
The Office Party

The "Schnitzelman"
The Babysitter
Honey I shrunk
The International Millionaire Show
The Finish


Weitere Fotos von dieser Woche sehen Sie hier!



Report about the ENGLISH PROJECT WEEK written by Sophia Wagneder 3a

Jeff from the USA was our trainer. He played funny games with us and it was great to work with him. I think we have learnt a lot this week.
His slogan: “WALK FOR PEACE!”
Simon from England was our trainer for the dramas. He’s a very funny man. He always made us laugh!
The funniest for me was acting out the dramas, because we always laughed a lot while playing!
The best game for me was “Who am I?” It was funny and we learned how to ask and answer questions in English.

Report about the ENGLISH PROJECT WEEK written by DANIEL HOFMANN 3b

In the ENGLISH PROJECT WEEK I liked the Presentation Party best. I was very excited, but when I was on stage, it was great fun. At first my Dad and my sister couldn’t identify me, because I was wearing a dress and a wig - so I looked like a girl.
My favourite game was the “Survival Game” I liked it best because it was really exciting and funny. I like reading books like “Robinson Crusoe”; where people try to survive, so this was the perfect game for me. My team didn’t win the game, but that was not so important.
Our trainer was Simon from London, England. He was a really funny person who made fun of everything, I think he is the best trainer I have ever met. The only words he can say in German are, “Schnitzel, Bier and Sauerkraut”.
The other trainer was Jeff from the USA, Connecticut. He was very friendly and also very good at explaining things.
I have never had a week like this before and I hope we’ll meet our trainers again.